Reportedly met with Christine Hill, a 65 year old pediatric and obstetric physiotherapist who has been dubbed a pregnancy guru, according to The Telegraph, the Duchess spent two sessions with Christine, who has also written a book titled Christine Hill’s Pregnancy Guide. Prince William accompanied Kate for the second visit.

I realize we are in the minority, but there some among us who think that the Royal Baby news story is getting an amount of coverage that's massively, massively disproportionate to its interestingness. It's one thing to marvel at how shiny and happy Kate Middleton looks coming out of the hospital, wearing a blue Jenny Packham dress. I understand that people like babies and that the Duchess of Cambridge probably enjoys a higher approval rating than the Dalai Lama — no objections. But over the weekend and then all throughout Monday, it seemed like there was nothing else happening in the world, in terms of current events and public life. Serious news publications sent crews to camp out in front of the hospital for days on end, to cover the birth of a baby (an heir, okay, but an heir to a monarchy that's essentially a tourist attraction), who will have to spend years growing up before he will have any kind of impact on people outside his immediate family and close friends. The phrase "SO JOYOUS" may as well have been a trending topic, it showed up so often on my Twitter feed; and I tried and I tried but I couldn't figure out how actual real people could summon the feeling of joy over the birth of a total stranger's baby. You know what brings me joy? Hummus. "SO JOYOUS" is what I will now tweet forevermore, every time I eat some hummus.

Prince William and Duchess Catherine emerge from St. Mary’s Hospital in London with their baby boy, who has yet to be named. This is the first public appearance of the royal baby, but certainly not the last, Addressing the weary press outside St. Mary’s Hospital, Prince William finally presented his newborn son and apologized for the young prince’s tardiness. William confided he is thankful that the baby inherited its mother’s look, before putting it in a car seat and heading home.

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